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How to make S’mores

S’mores are a classic campfire treat consisting of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. They’re easy to make and don’t necessarily require a campfire; you can also make them at home using an oven, microwave, or even a stovetop.

Here’s a simple way to make S’mores:


Graham crackers (broken in half to form squares) Marshmallows Chocolate bars (Hershey’s chocolate is a classic choice)


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (if using an oven) or turn on your stovetop to medium-low heat (if using a stovetop).
  2. Take a graham cracker square and break a chocolate bar piece to fit the cracker. Place the chocolate on one side of the graham cracker.
  3. Place a marshmallow on a skewer or roasting stick if you’re using a campfire or stovetop. If using an oven, place the marshmallows on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. If using a campfire or stovetop, roast the marshmallow by holding it over the flame until it’s golden brown. If using an oven, bake the marshmallows for about 5-7 minutes, keeping an eye on them to prevent burning. They should puff up and turn golden brown.
  5. Once the marshmallow is toasted to your liking, carefully place it on top of the chocolate-covered graham cracker.
  6. Place another graham cracker square on top of the marshmallow and gently press it down to sandwich the marshmallow and chocolate between the two graham crackers.
  7. Allow the S’more to sit for a minute or so to let the chocolate melt slightly from the warmth of the marshmallow.
  8. Enjoy your delicious S’more!

Remember to be cautious when working with fire or hot surfaces, especially with marshmallows, as they can become very hot and sticky. If using a microwave, you can assemble the S’more and heat it for a few seconds until the marshmallow expands, but it might not get the toasted flavor like with other methods.

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