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How to make Panta Bhat

  • Leftover rice (preferably from the previous day) – 2 cups
  • Water – 4-5 cups
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon (adjust to taste)
  • Plain yogurt (optional) – 2-3 tablespoons
  • Mustard oil – 1-2 tablespoons
  • Onion – 1 small, finely chopped (optional)
  • Green chilies – 2-3, finely chopped
  • Fresh coriander leaves – 2 tablespoons, chopped (optional)
  • Lemon or lime wedges – for garnish (optional)


  1. Soak the Rice:
    • Take the leftover rice in a large bowl or container. Add water (4-5 cups) to fully submerge the rice. Let it soak overnight or for at least 4-6 hours. The rice will absorb water and become soft.
  2. Prepare the Panta Bhat:
    • After soaking, mash the rice lightly using a spoon or your fingers to break up any clumps and mix it well with the water.
    • Add salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Adjust the salt according to your preference.
  3. Add Yogurt (Optional):
    • For added flavor and creaminess, you can mix in plain yogurt (2-3 tablespoons) with the soaked rice. This step is optional but enhances the taste.
  4. Prepare the Toppings:
    • In a separate small bowl, mix chopped onion, green chilies, and fresh coriander leaves together. This mixture will be used as a topping for the Panta Bhat.
  5. Assemble and Serve:
    • Transfer the prepared Panta Bhat into individual serving bowls.
    • Drizzle mustard oil (1-2 tablespoons) over each serving. Mustard oil adds a distinct flavor to Panta Bhat.
    • Top each bowl of Panta Bhat with the prepared onion, green chili, and coriander mixture.
  6. Garnish and Serve:
    • Garnish each serving with a wedge of lemon or lime.
    • Serve Panta Bhat chilled or at room temperature.


  • Panta Bhat is typically enjoyed as a breakfast dish or light meal, especially during summer months.
  • The consistency of Panta Bhat should be soupy but not too watery. Adjust the water quantity based on your preference.
  • Mustard oil and yogurt are key ingredients that contribute to the unique taste of Panta Bhat.
  • You can customize the toppings by adding grated cucumber, diced tomatoes, or sliced radishes for added freshness and crunch.

Enjoy this traditional Bengali dish of Panta Bhat for a refreshing and delightful culinary experience!

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