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How to earn money Mturk suite

Earning money with MTurk Suite involves using a suite of tools designed to enhance your experience on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), making it easier to find and complete tasks efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Getting Started

  1. Sign Up for MTurk:
  • Create an account on Amazon Mechanical Turk if you don’t already have one. You’ll need to provide your personal details and tax information.
  1. Install MTurk Suite:
  • MTurk Suite is a browser extension that combines multiple tools to help you work more efficiently on MTurk. It is available for both Chrome and Firefox. Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons.

Key Features of MTurk Suite

  1. MTS (MTurk Suite):
  • HIT Finder: Helps you find HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks) that match your criteria. You can filter by pay rate, time, and other factors.
  • HIT Catcher: Automatically accepts HITs that match your criteria. You can set it up to run in the background while you work on other tasks.
  • HIT Tracker: Keeps track of the HITs you have completed, pending approval, and paid.
  • MTS Forums: Access forums like MTurk Crowd and TurkerNation directly from the extension to get tips and advice from other turkers.
  • Turkopticon Integration: Provides reviews and ratings for requesters to help you avoid low-paying or problematic HITs.

Tips for Maximizing Earnings

  1. Set Up HIT Finder:
  • Configure your HIT Finder with preferred filters such as minimum pay rate, maximum time allowed, and keyword filters to focus on tasks that are worth your time.
  1. Use HIT Catcher:
  • Use HIT Catcher to automatically accept high-paying HITs. Set it to run while you are working on other tasks to maximize your opportunities.
  1. Monitor HIT Tracker:
  • Keep an eye on your HIT Tracker to ensure you are getting paid for your work. Follow up with requesters if there are delays in payment.
  1. Participate in Forums:
  • Join forums like MTurk Crowd, TurkerNation, or MTurk Reddit to stay updated on the best HITs, requesters, and tips from experienced turkers.
  1. Stay Organized:
  • Create a daily schedule and set goals for how much you want to earn each day. Use the data from HIT Tracker to analyze your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  1. Avoid Low-Paying HITs:
  • Use Turkopticon to check requester ratings and avoid those with a history of rejecting HITs or paying low rates.
  1. Stay Consistent:
  • Consistency is key. The more you work on MTurk, the better you will become at identifying high-paying tasks and completing them efficiently.

Additional Tools

  1. PandaCrazy:
  • Another popular tool for catching HITs. It allows you to set up “Pandas” (search requests) to automatically accept HITs that match specific criteria.
  1. MTurk Engine:
  • A browser extension that provides additional tools for finding and tracking HITs.

By using MTurk Suite and following these tips, you can optimize your workflow, avoid low-paying tasks, and maximize your earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

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