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Tag Archives: Indian Dessert

How to make Rasgulla

Rasgulla is a popular Indian sweet made from chenna (cottage cheese) balls cooked in sugar syrup. It’s a soft and spongy dessert enjoyed across India, particularly during festivals and special occasions. Here’s how you can make Rasgulla at home: Ingredients: For Rasgulla: 1 liter full-fat milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar 1 cup sugar 4 cups water 2-3 green …

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How to make Pitha:

Pitha is a traditional Bengali delicacy made during festivals and special occasions. There are various types of Pitha, each with its unique preparation method. Here’s a general recipe for making basic rice flour Pitha, a popular variety: Ingredients: 1 cup rice flour Water (approximately 1 cup) 2-3 tablespoons sugar (adjust to taste) A pinch of salt Oil or ghee for …

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How to make indian kheer

Indian Kheer, also known as rice pudding, is a delicious and creamy dessert that is often made during festivals and special occasions. Here’s a simple recipe to make Indian Kheer at home: Ingredients: 1 liter full-fat milk 1/2 cup basmati rice, rinsed and soaked in water for 30 minutes 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to your sweetness preference) 1/4 cup mixed …

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