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Tag Archives: Potato Pizza

How to make Aloo Bhorta Pizza

Making Aloo Bhorta Pizza is a delicious fusion idea that combines the flavors of aloo bhorta (mashed potatoes seasoned with spices) with the concept of a pizza. Here’s how you can make it: ### Ingredients: **For the Pizza Dough:** – 2 cups all-purpose flour – 1 packet (2 1/4 tsp) active dry yeast – 1 tsp sugar – 1 tsp …

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How to make Masala Aloo Pizza

Making Masala Aloo Pizza is a creative fusion dish that combines the flavors of Indian spiced potatoes (masala aloo) with the concept of a pizza. Here’s a recipe to guide you through making Masala Aloo Pizza: ### Ingredients: **For the Pizza Base:** – Pizza dough (store-bought or homemade) – Olive oil **For the Masala Aloo Topping:** – Potatoes, boiled, peeled, …

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